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Bios Dry Cal - Sampler Calibrator

Bios Dry Cal
$ 35 $ 115 $ 300

BIOS International introduces the exciting new DryCal DC-Lite, a revolutionary dry primary flow meter design that offers low cost, light weight and ultra-compact size. The innovative new DryCal is immune to flow source pulsation without the need for in-line dampers. It provides users with a primary flow standard for industrial hygiene, environmental and laboratory applications. The DC-Lite fits easily into a slim briefcase for convenient transport and in keeping with all BIOS flow meters, it eliminates the need for messy soap film solutions.



  • Simple Operation - Provides the user with accurate volumetric flow readings with the push of a button. No training required.
  • Continuous Auto-Mode - Flow readings can be taken continuously, in the auto mode, providing hands free operation. This feature enables the user to quickly adjust the flow source to a precise flow rate saving time and money.
  • Immune to Flow Source Pulsation - DC-Lite needs NO in-line dampers.
  • Flow Cell Volume Certified NIST Traceable - The flow cell is made of dimensionally stable Borosilicate glass and is manufactured and characterized to +/-0.00005" tolerance. At BIOS each cylinder is remeasured with NIST traceable standards and certifying documentation is provided for each unit.